Saturday night 3/30/19 I make my Carnegie Hall main stage debut in Jason and Alicia Moran’s “Two Wings”. It’s pretty powerful to see your name on the display. I’ve been working so hard on my solo arrangement to represent the classical guitar well. Fingers crossed that I break ALL the legs and lift up an overlooked composer! #classicalguitar #carnegiehall #practice #music #nyc #concert
It’s been 1 month since Duo Noire released our album Night Triptych, featuring 6 incredible new classical guitar duets by brilliant women composers from around the world: Clarice Assad, Courtney Bryan, Golfam Khayam, Mary Kouyoumdjian, Gity Razaz, and Gabriella Smith.
We are honored to have worked with them and to have received such amazing reviews, including this newest one from
We hope the guitar world enjoys and embraces this music of our time.
“There’s a goldmine of ideas here, whose riches will unveil themselves more and more over time.” -Stereophile
“Flippin and Mallett [are] virtuosos who invest their performances with energy and conviction. To claim that the two break new ground in the world of classical guitar music on the hour-long release isn’t overselling it.”
“All contemporary programs of guitar music are not common, and this may be the first to feature exclusively female composers…A truly pathbreaking recording that is greatly satisfying in its own right.” -AllMusic
#newfocusrecordings #gabriellasmith #classicalmusic #classicalguitar #classicalguitarist #classicalguitarasia #strings #music #newmusic #composer #guitar #guitarduo #albumcover #albumart #acousticguitar #guitarstagram #womeninmusic #womencomposers #classicalmusician
Duo Noire soundchecking our transcription of a Bach duetto at The Boiler Room in Pennsylvania last weekend. This piece never gets old! #bach #duetto #classicalmusic #counterpoint #classicalguitar #guitar #acoustic @brilliantmusicians @talented_musicians (at Hawley, Pennsylvania)
Tonight’s the night! Duo Noire is premiering THREE incredible new pieces at UC Santa Cruz’s April in Santa Cruz Festival! Joining us on stage will be our friends “backing tracks,” “slide guitar,” and “spoons???!” :-p #gityrazaz #gabriellasmith #marykouyoumdjian #classicalmusic #newmusic #classicalguitar (at UC Santa Cruz)
As a performer, you are a curator of culture. You choose which composers get lifted up, and whether or not they should all be men. It is an awesome responsibility. Recently, a lot of brilliant people have trusted me to convey their most personal and sincere musical thoughts. And so, to kick things off, Duo Noire is headed to St. Louis to premiere new works written for us by the truly inspiring composer/performers Clarice Assad and Dr. Courtney Bryan. We’ve been working SO hard because they’ve written the music we’ve always wanted to play. I hope the wider guitar world will embrace it. Amen. HERE WE GO! #courtneybryan #clariceassad #stl #classicalguitar #duonoire
“I have made this mistake many times. I have played things that are not playable. You know, trying to prove that I could play more notes than other guitarists could. And then, at one point, you realize that “really, is that so important for me to show?” As you get older, at least for me, it’s much more about the beauty.
At the very beginning, it was the sound of the guitar. Then at one point, you realize that it’s more than the sound, that there’s music that’s even more interesting… But then you realize at one point that there is another level, it can become art.
Here’s a little compose-a-gram from my “practice” this evening. Anyone else awake? #nightmusic #theorbo #insomnia #lute #classicalguitar #nocturnal #music (at New York, New York)
So happy to have finished arranging and rewriting my piece Beyond Ferguson for an extraordinary guitar trio. It’s based entirely on a melody from Michael Brown’s rap music and a reading of Du Bois. The quartet, trio and duo versions are now on my website for free download. #classicalguitar #newmusic #guitartrio #chambermusic #ferguson #michaelbrown