As a performer, you are a curator of culture. You choose which composers get lifted up, and whether or not they should all be men. It is an awesome responsibility. Recently, a lot of brilliant people have trusted me to convey their most personal and sincere musical thoughts. And so, to kick things off, Duo Noire is headed to St. Louis to premiere new works written for us by the truly inspiring composer/performers Clarice Assad and Dr. Courtney Bryan. We’ve been working SO hard because they’ve written the music we’ve always wanted to play. I hope the wider guitar world will embrace it. Amen. HERE WE GO! #courtneybryan #clariceassad #stl #classicalguitar #duonoire
Duo Noire had a blast @ Juilliard for our dear friend Raymond Lustig’s composition class. We performed some of Ray’s “Figments” from our album of his music and talked about composing for the guitar with an absolutely wonderful group of adult students. Good times!